Free Quote

Please fill out the form below with your move details, we'll get right back to you with a flat-rate quote.

Forms not your thing? Email us at: or Call us : +1 (718) 801-1626

Where & When?

Pickup Neighborhood or Zipcode
Dropoff Neighborhood or Zipcode
Roughly when would you like to move?
all fields in this section required.
Back to previous section.

Contact Info

What shall we call you?
Helpful to coordinate on moving day.
Where should we send your quote?
Just to make sure we're sending to the right address.
all fields in this section required.
Back to previous section.


We need to know the actual number of flights of stairs, not what floor you are on. (e.g. you may be on the 3rd floor, but only have to walk up 2 flights of stairs to get there)

Flights of Stairs at Pick-up

How many flights at the pick-up location?
Please choose one :

Flights of Stairs at Drop-off

How many flights at the drop-off location?
Please choose one :

all fields in this section required.
Back to previous section.


Don't fuss too much, this is an estimate; we'll base a quote on this and can adjust it later as you get to packing.

Please select what fits your stuff best. If you have something that is similar in size/weight to something on the form but is nominally something different, it's okay to just list it as the similar item.

If anything you have is a lot larger/smaller/different than what is available on this form, please describe it in the "Comments" section.

Back to previous section.

Comment & Confirm

Any additional items that aren't in the form, descriptions of unusual items or conditions, or anything else you think we should know.

Assembly/Disassembly Help Required? Please make sure you make note of the item(s) that require assembly/dissassembly in the Comments field.


Name: ?
Phone: ?
Email: ?

Pickup: ? ?
Drop-off: ? ?
Move Date: ?

Inventory: ?
Comments: ?

Assembly/Disassembly: ?

Processing ...